Some more stuff………

The Peter Mackridge book, The Modern Greek Language, has turned up a gem: the term prolapsis, referring to a pronoun which anticipates a noun object later in the sentence, as in Le di a Pedro el dinero…… here an indirect object. The resumptive pronoun refers to the situation where the object comes first and the pronoun “resumes” it, as in La mesa delante de la ventana la pusimos en la sala.
Only the Oxford linguistic dictionary has that meaning of the word, although another dictionary has the word but with a different meaning. I’m going to check on Ramsey to see what he has to say about it.
Then I just picked up George Packer’s new book on America called The Unwinding. He was interviewed by Bill Maher last night and sounded like he was on to what has really changed in America, something beyond the usual crackpot “kids these days” nonsense.
My book club selection has been a little slow for me, but I have plenty of time to get it read. It’s Ema, La Cautiva by Cesar Aira.

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