Vocabulary cards

Eric on moretprs wrote:
I get the feeling that Paul Nation (lives in New Zealand I believe) is unfamiliar with TPRS.
It’s a shame, though, because the “4 strands” that he promotes (25% learning, 25% meaning-based input, 25% meaning-based output, and 25% fluency activities) fits pretty well (besides the 25% learning) with TPRS. TPRS has just integrated these elements seamlessly. Counting translation and pop-ups as the 25% learning, then we’re actually doing it how he recommends.
He does believe in word cards (as I’ve seen many vocabulary acquisition researchers do), but as a complement/enhancement, not as a sufficient means of acquiring everything there is to know about a word. This is similar to what we do when we “establish meaning” via translation. As he says, there’s 3 main things to “know” about a word – form, meaning, and use. The meaning, he will say, is best learned and the form and use best acquired. “
Yes, he is in New Zealand and is probably the most quoted researcher on vocabulary acquisition in a fl setting (ELL or ESL). He interests me specifically in that respect b/c I am just finishing my vocabulary card project. I’ll write more on this, how I use them, whether they help, what could replace them, and what adjuncts I use and what expansions I use.

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