“To recap: Fisher applied to the University of Texas Austin twice, once through its fall 2008 cycle and again through a provisional summer program. According to court documents, 49 students with lower scores and grades than Fisher were offered provisional admission to UT through the summer program. Only five of those arguably under-qualified students were black or Hispanic; the other 42 were white.
The original suit makes no mention of the 42 admitted and arguably under-qualified white students. Conversely, according to court documents, 168 applicants of color who had higher scores than Fisher were not admitted to UT.
What has intrigued me most about Fisher’s case is her earnest sense of self-righteousness even in the face of these damning facts. “There were people in my class with lower grades and who weren’t in all of the activities I was in who were being accepted into UT,” Fisher remarks in a promo video for the case. “And the only difference between us was the color of our skin.”
If we take Fisher’s claim to be more than a cynical ploy in the decades-long campaign to erode affirmative action, then it forces the question, How can she truly feel like a victim of racism?”
Make note of Jenning’s phrase self-righteousness. It summarizes the feelings of so many people in this country who ernestly believe this country was founded by White people for White people and set up by a god. One religion in this country actually teaches that and a lot of other denominations offer sermons in that vein despite no support in scriptures or theological teachings. When Jesus walked, there was no U.S. He talked about his kingdom [His kingdom for my Christian friends] and not about a specific nation. Israel I’m not sure about, Jesus may have said something about that but I don’t think he mentioned settlements.
OK, I’m going off here but this whole anti-affirmative action thing with the self-righteous tone echoing the words of Black civil rights leaders makes me puke. Again, an argument for maintaining current HBCUs and founding new ones.