Expanding the empire
Tonight we were watching political news and our grandson suddenly said he had the best idea ever: my wife and I should record conversations for uploading to You Tube. As he explained it, we thought back to the many times at retreats and group sessions people have said they find our shared experience as a Black/White couple intriguing. It would be an expansion of my blog, to be sure, and would allow people to respond to the many aspects of life in America from the Black and White perspective. My wife and I do not agree on everything…….. imagine that. We constantly discuss things and people have enjoyed conversations with us. Sharing our conversations – e.g. people now are more amazed that we’ve been married for almost 52 years than that we are a Black/White couple – would give viewers an insight into our perspectives and world views, mine formed as a White working-class kid and hers as a Black working-class kid in the 40s and 50s.
In addition, he suggested we could bring in other people, perhaps our children discussing what it was like growing up in the 70s and 80s as biracial children,
All of this happened in the red state of Arizona, another facet of the diamond.
Neat idea. We will carry it out – lo llevaremos a cabo.
We will call it The Pot and the Kettle.