Being married to a Black woman for 55 years about often gains me a pass on racial prejudice as a White man. Wrong. Just today I was in the post office trying to mail package to China. One of the clerks was a young Black man and I found myself wondering just how much he might know about sending packages to China, and then caught myself. I had just asked a Chinese woman in line if she sent packages there and she gave me some very valuable information the person I’m sending this to did not give me. Then the young Black man continued my education in more ways than one by explaining the Chinese mail system to me.
You would have thought I had learned my lesson in the parking lot when I pulled into the space and noticed in my rear view mirror a large, older, red-faced White man lumbering toward my car. Typical of the East Valley of Maricopa County, the reddest spot in the country; probably a Trumpster angered at the Vote Democratic bumper stickers plastered on the back. As I got out he smiled and said, “I love your bumper stickers. I should have sent in my $27 dollars for Bernie.”
Some days common sense and wisdom both desert me. I stand chastened.