Long time since I’ve transcribed these lessons but I’ll start with yesterday’s in part because it was amazing. Then I’ll backtrack and catch up.
I put several Pictures (called PFs for Picture Files) in a folder and linked the folder to phrases in a short story. Her job was to open the folder and choose the picture that most closely matched the phrase in the story.
La sorciere
She chose the female witch rather than the male sorcerer
va a cheval au desert
… the woman on horseback in the desert, not the street
Elle rencontre
… only one with female
un homme mysterieux
… only one with one man
qui lui donne
… only 1 of 3, the 1 that showed a man giving to a female
des cles
Avec les cles
elle peut voler
… out of 3, only PF showing a female flying
avec les anges.
Des morts
… 2 PFs, 1 of grave stones, another of cadavers. She chose the cadavers but argued that the grave stones had photos of the deceased embedded in them
se trouvent dans la neige.
… of 4 PFs only 1 was neutral in content; she chose that
Ils cherchent
… of 3 PFs, only 1 with more than 1 person. Her choice.
le paysage
… of 4 PFs, only 2 suitable for a cottage; she chose 1
pour trouver une chaumiere
… she chose the 1 we’d been using as chaumiere
et quand ils la trouvent
ils entrent.
… of 2 unsuitable PFs, she chose the closest but not without complaint – she’s very demanding 🙂
Mais des bonhommes
les regardent
par la fenetre
… only 1 (of 2) showing person looking thru window
et veuvlent les manger.
Les morts les ecoutent
et leur donnent du fruit,
… of 7 PFs of fruit, only 1 showed a variety, a bowl, & that was her choice.
apres le laver.
… of 5 PFs, only 1 showed dishes being washed rather than a car, feet (!), clothes, etc. PFs did not match phrase but her choice was the closest.
Les bonhommes aiment le fruit
… of several PFs, only one showed more than 1 person but it was a poor 1 b/c it was 2 people, so “s’aiment.”
et le mangent.
Les morts leur donnent aussi du cafe
et les bonhommes le boivent.
… again, she chose the 1 with plural subjects
Apres laver la vaiselle,
… she chose the 1 of 2 where the dishes were already washed
ils dansent ensemble.
… she chose the 1 of 2 that showed more than 1 dancing
I hope this gives you an idea of how subtle her distinctions were, showing she was focused on the task rather than the language. Afterwards, since she is extremely task oriented, I explained that the idea was for her to figure out which PF to chose so her brain would automatically be processing the language, including singular/plural distinctions.
Due to her distaste for any repetition, I am changing the PFs and the task somewhat but will return to this same overall set (these PFs were only some of quite a few others we had used the past week).