In Their Bosom

The Old South (there is no new South) kept in its bosom the seeds of its own destruction. Fifty-five percent of African-Americans live in the South. Total voter suppression, then partial voter suppression kept the Southern establishment feeling confidant about maintaining the Old Order of Southern Culture. Even SCOTUS cooperated by gutting the Voting Rights Act.
But not only does the South harbor more Blacks than any other region, more Black descendants of the Great Migrants of the first half of the 20th century are moving “back home.” Rather than serving their former masters, they are taking the place over.
Three million early votes have been cast in Georgia. Tens of thousands of new registrants are filing into polling booths as I write this, voting in the second most consequential election of this century, including even Obama’s election. This vote in Georgia decides whether we restore the Constitution or let the Confederates run roughshod over it another 2 or more years.

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