The first one is ‘come with,’ as in ‘are you going to come with?’ or ‘decide whether you want to come with or not’. I absolutely must give the preposition an object: ‘with who?”
Another one is ‘bored of’. I’m never ‘bored of’ anything, only bored with or bored by. For a while I thought this was a Hispanicism b/c we have so many Spanish speakers around here. But I hear it from people all over the country, so I think it is just a variant of my usage.
One Hispanicism I hear is “he barely got here’ for ‘he just got here.’ That comes from Spanish ‘apenas’, as in apenas llego = he just got here. Apenas also means barely and that is where the confluence comes in.
Speaking of influence from foreign languages, the waiter’s expression, “Enjoy,” fits here, I believe. Many waiters in New York City spoke German/Yiddish as their native language. The German ‘sich erfreuen’, ‘enjoy’ as a transitive verb, is reflexive, you ‘enjoy yourself’. But when waiters with limited English asked compatriots how to say ‘erfreuen sich’ in English [‘wie sagt man erfreuen sich auf Englisch?], the answer might come back. ‘enjoy’, rather than ‘enjoy it’.
Someone knowledgeable about German or Yiddish can perhaps clear this up for me. The ‘enjoy’ thing is pure specualation on my part. But Leo Rosten, in his “Hooray for Yiddish,” says the same and expresses the same distaste for the expression as I have. It needs an object! Just like ‘come with’ which has a noble history in German ‘komm mit’. Oh well.