New Core Exercises

A friend sent me a video by Bob and Brad. On the side I saw one titled 10 exercises you should not do. Two of them were in my core workout (V-up and twist), so I googled Core Workouts and found this:
I use the Men’s Health Big Book of Exercises and I like most of what they do, but I was a smidgen dubious about the claims of this workout. Well, I tried it for the first time today and could feel the burn until I doused it with a beer. The only slight problem for me is that for at least one if not two of the exercises, I need to go to the gym; no problem but it’d be nice to have to go into the gym only once a week, leaving a day for yoga.
Anyway, I can see me working into these the way I worked into Swiss ball planks and pikes and jackknifes, really awkward at first but better as strength grew. I am excited about this. Good way to restart the programs after a week off on vacation where I did only 30 push-ups.

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