“The American people didn’t vote for all this ridiculous bullshit, and we need to keep fighting.” Gas lighting is defined in my entry To Start Anew.
Simon Rosenberg is not the only pollster to be thrown by the polls. But when he says Americans didn’t vote for BS one has to wonder what per centage is needed to qualify as ‘the American people’?
So Trump got less than 50%. AOC cautioned us to wait for the data. I agree. After Trump’s first victory it took a while for pundits to move off of “it’s those desperate people in trailer parks” to an average Trumper income of $72,000. Not poverty.
Education is now officially (?) the divide in America. Low-information, less than a high school diploma or less than a college degree or less than a masters or the Ph.D. thesis is being written. Any of those might qualify as low-information if they don’t pay attention.
Yes, a huge number of people voted for Harris, no doubt. It doesn’t take a lot of shifting for the electoral college to fall when enough votes in the right states, margins of 3% or less, and BOOM! we got a winner. A 50/50 nation they call us, which means that half of us can say, “We was robbed!” but we usually don’t. Trump’s great contribution to American political warfare is to declare victory endlessly, kind of like saying we won and then just going home without arguing.
I’m sorry Word Press stole my first version of this post; I’d written quite a bit and it was better than this has been so far.
What can be done about voters who googled on election day to see if Biden had dropped out? Education. Well, we’ve tried education but Americans were still enthusiastic about invading Iraq and outraged that Biden put an end to the hopeless war in Afghanistan. Afghanistan! Can you believe anyone would question leaving Afghanistan? While we weep over the shattered lives of women there we are no longer weeping ouver the graves of our soldiers there. I mean, really, when Obama carried out Bush’s order to leave Iraq, the greatest minds said Obama abandoned the country, but Bush still wanted to fly bombing sorties over Baghdad.
So the great sort may be in order. A voter test? Oh, too unamerican; but is was American enough up through my father-in-law’s residence in Texas where he and other Blacks could not vote. No testing involved, just a color chart for every voter registrar.
No. There is no way to screen out that uninformed voter, even though the founding fathers wrote, courtesy of AI:
Thomas Jefferson often stated that an informed citizenry is a vital component of a functioning democracy: