Shelby Foote, the Mississippian who wrote a very readable history of the Civil War, describes the reaction of Southerners to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation on p (Continue Reading)
Shelby Foote, the Mississippian who wrote a very readable history of the Civil War, describes the reaction of Southerners to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation on p (Continue Reading)
An ad popped up: Relieve stiffness…. etc. Hey! I need stiffness and whatever I have I’m holding onto with both hands!
A recent television series depicts a British Prime Minister who hires an international assassin to blow up a British ship so he can take credit (Continue Reading)
Given the gradual turning of the U.S. population toward a non-White majority and its attendant racial strife, why not give free birth control devices to (Continue Reading)
The Lost Cause is an affectionate term to refer to the “cause” of slavery. The Lost Cause was followed by The Fascist Terror State. The (Continue Reading)
We may find a figure rising above the turmoil of history to legendary status. All well and good as long as we see that figure (Continue Reading)
The word often is often pronounced with a t. The below citation from explains:“HOW TO PRONOUNCE OFTENOften was pronounced with a t -sound until (Continue Reading)
Uncles have a bad reputation. They are blowhards. Their claims ring from the roof tops. Whether car stereos or nuclear medicine, they know all about (Continue Reading)
Have you ever noticed that when people are horsing around imitating an accent: Italain, Swedish, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Chinese – you’re heard it many times (Continue Reading)
Most grammatical features are named by linguists so as to convey their function, e.g. conditional, inceptive, conative, concomitive, etc. The coinages are mostly based on (Continue Reading)
I read a lot. When I want to learn a language, I read it. That works OK for me normally, but with Korean I am (Continue Reading)
Examining French grammar in light of my teaching my granddaughter French, I learned just how much the expression ‘one Xs’ dominates the verb paradigm. “on (Continue Reading)
No, not my politics; we know where they lie. It’s handedness. I’ve always known my handedness as “mixed dominance,” doing some things only with the (Continue Reading)
In a cave far up in the snowy reaches of the Himalayas I encountered a master who provided me with esoteric knowledge required for good (Continue Reading)
Very popular in my grandmother’s household was Lawrence Welk. Corny or cheesy do not begin to describe him. Popular throughout a certain set does. He (Continue Reading)
When Maya Lin was announced as the winning designer of the projected Viet Nam War Memorial, I am sure I read or heard that she (Continue Reading)
Yesterday, Dec. 29, 2022, I got the basis of my new diet started, heavy on meat and vegetables and fruit and nuts, light on cheeses (Continue Reading)
A couple looking for a place to stay in cold weather in a strange city on Dec. 24……….. we see it portrayed everywhere. The governor (Continue Reading)
Moi, j’ai un mot nouveau. Les sciences en francais on dit l’informatique (computer science). Moi j’ai appris ce mot d’un ami. (here I guessed totally (Continue Reading)
This category has been sore neglected so when I came across a list of buzzwords I thought, “Hey! A trove! I can list one of (Continue Reading)
Qu’est-ce que vous etudiez a l’ecole? What? Study? (I write in marker) It’s not even the same color! Ce n’est pas le meme couleur? No. (Continue Reading)
Word play. When I moved from Ohio to Arizona I found myself ahead of other students in school. I did that twice, fifth grade and (Continue Reading)
The link is authority, the principle of authority. Conservative writings are replete with the citing of authority as essential to order and order they consider (Continue Reading)