I just got an offer of tutoring a kid in Latin. It’s for pay and the kid lives just down the street so I’m sure (Continue Reading)
I just got an offer of tutoring a kid in Latin. It’s for pay and the kid lives just down the street so I’m sure (Continue Reading)
Have you ever noticed that when people are horsing around imitating an accent: Italain, Swedish, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Chinese – you’re heard it many times (Continue Reading)
I read a lot. When I want to learn a language, I read it. That works OK for me normally, but with Korean I am (Continue Reading)
Examining French grammar in light of my teaching my granddaughter French, I learned just how much the expression ‘one Xs’ dominates the verb paradigm. “on (Continue Reading)
Moi, j’ai un mot nouveau. Les sciences en francais on dit l’informatique (computer science). Moi j’ai appris ce mot d’un ami. (here I guessed totally (Continue Reading)
Qu’est-ce que vous etudiez a l’ecole? What? Study? (I write in marker) It’s not even the same color! Ce n’est pas le meme couleur? No. (Continue Reading)
Chez Nyah, so without the vocabulary posters. NOTE: usually the French is me speaking and the English is Nyah’s response.The stories are complicated, Nyah says.L’animal (Continue Reading)
Nyah asked: are we continuing the story which shows she understood ‘groupe’word building chanteur, voleur, voyageur, she wanted to know how I remembered claviercomment s’appelle (Continue Reading)
Over several decades on foreign language teacher listservs, a debate could be found over whether teaching the language should focus just on the language, not (Continue Reading)
My student in Spanish introduced me (via Zoom) to her former student, an impressive young man majoring in linguistics. Talking about our lessons, she mention (Continue Reading)
An article on child acquisition of the ergative forms in Basque finds that Basque children receiving bilingual input, i.e. two different languages being used in (Continue Reading)
I noted in Lesson #51 I wrote il n’a pas des amies when it should be d’amies. I am pretty sure I did not realize (Continue Reading)
I am writing this up 8 months after the event and will reference subsequent developments. We went over the principles, incl. signs, comprehension checks via (Continue Reading)
Tracking one student has its advantages. When you are working with a group of students, it’s hard to notice what each one is acquiring. My (Continue Reading)
In FL teaching theory, fossilization became a major issue. The theory went that incorrect forms, once learned, could not be unlearned. That appears to foreshadow (Continue Reading)
Recently I’ve seen some posts on teaching the subjunctive. Most often the requests are for fun ways. That made be wonder what role fun plays (Continue Reading)
Continuing narrative but with lots of new vocabulary. Some good grammar points. Tiene la seguranza medica = she has medical insurance. Tiene una cita para (Continue Reading)
After almost eight weeks of lessons in Spanish via Zoom, a foundation has been laid. Soon I will get back to transcribing my granddaughter’s French (Continue Reading)
Long hiatus and we agreed on regular 5 day a week schedule.The purpose today was for her to notice how much she knows and think (Continue Reading)
Vous allez ecrire des notes. Why do I have to take notes?* She picked a gender neutral name for a character who was the object (Continue Reading)
I wrote the following on the flip chartNyah et sa mere ont voyage en FranceA Paris elles n’y ont trouve que de pizza et hamburger (Continue Reading)
I took my cat to the vet?Hier? ?Pas aujourd’hui, hier.Oh, yeah.**Is this the new one or the old one (story)C’est completement nouveau.Oh.*You don’t want to (Continue Reading)
Nyah’s BirthdayShe said something in French and I missed recording it! Here is the story again: Deux personnes marchaient dans la foret. Sur le sentier (Continue Reading)