Much of the attitude toward rigor in fl instruction can be traced back to the struggle modern languages had to be accepted in the face (Continue Reading)
Much of the attitude toward rigor in fl instruction can be traced back to the struggle modern languages had to be accepted in the face (Continue Reading)
Brian recently asked me my definition of communicative language teaching and tprs. I have written many short essays on clt. Rather than dig them out (Continue Reading)
Today’s NYT had 2 front page articles detailing events that indirectly affect what goes on in our classrooms. The first dealt with financial and research (Continue Reading)
To continue……… I don’t mean by their being entranced that I spoke French that it was my ability to do so that entranced them but (Continue Reading)
Someone on a listserv thought perhaps Bill VanPatten had mentioned the problem with correcting an error by simply repeating the structure in its correct form, (Continue Reading)
Someone posted another diatribe against communicative teaching, citing the contents of a current textbook thus: Subject: Acquisition vs. Learning ……. 1. “conversational gambit 2. fill (Continue Reading)
It would be helpful if this poster would not mischaracterize people’s views. It’s easy to dismiss attention to detail as “prescriptivist” The embedded statement here (Continue Reading)
As I read posts on various listservs for language teachers, what I encounter seems to be a sort of faith-based approach to evidence. There is (Continue Reading)
The discussion on students is great. Without breaking that up, let me bring up another group we often complain about: the SLA researchers and researchers (Continue Reading)
A student is lazy. A class is lazy. A whole school is lazy. A whole generation is lazy. Teachers are lazy. What lies behind this (Continue Reading)
“Paradigms” is used here to refer to the way a language is analyzed in terms of its structures rather than its usages. So, for example, (Continue Reading)
I’ve been asked to provide concrete examples of what I do in the classroom that has students using verbs in various persons and tenses (even (Continue Reading)