Deux personnes marchaient dans la foret. Sur le sentier il y avait un serpent. A! J’ai peur des serpents, a cri une des personnes. L’autre (Continue Reading)
Deux personnes marchaient dans la foret. Sur le sentier il y avait un serpent. A! J’ai peur des serpents, a cri une des personnes. L’autre (Continue Reading)
Qu’est-ce que c’est comme carnet?Oh, what kind of notebook?*Marc a un “A” dans toutes les matieres. Est-ce qu’il est un bon etudiant?Yeah.* Chez eux their (Continue Reading)
la cantine scolaire – school?* (I read aloud a long piece in francais courant with me making notes on various items but overall not very (Continue Reading)
Reminder: asterisk means indicates she understood the French without props the baby eats solid food?* je ne peux plus……no more* le mais dedans le nez….what? (Continue Reading)
Finally I got a lesson going via an iPad. It went OK, but Nyah wanted to talk about where we were going with this. Uh-Oh. (Continue Reading)
Just as my granddaughter was getting back into the swing of things with French, the virus hit. She has stayed away for a week or (Continue Reading)
In 1959 the author of Hausa Literature and the Hausa Sound System, R.C. Abraham, wrote this: (the Hausa are what is traditionally called in the (Continue Reading)
Long time since I’ve transcribed these lessons but I’ll start with yesterday’s in part because it was amazing. Then I’ll backtrack and catch up. I (Continue Reading)
In NOUS, pp. 78-79 I’ve noticed some interesting things. A chapter is titled Une drole de journee. I had read that de is used after (Continue Reading)
An appropriate title for my granddaughter’s French lesson today. For only the second time in over a year and a half I forgot to record (Continue Reading)
Nyah has been absent from French for over a month due to college apps and illness but she came back today in a big way. (Continue Reading)
From a FL teacher listserv: > I am doing a March Madness activity with my HS students and I already > have > 10 songs (Continue Reading)
A member of a listserv for fl teachers told on her colleague who was a big-time grammar person. She went to Mexico City on vacation (Continue Reading)
On FLTeach, there is a thread running on grading, always a hot topic………. well, not anymore. The battles are over apparently and the forced output (Continue Reading)
Last breakthrough, Aquaman looking for a mermaid, saw no follow-up. Nyah has not been interested in providing details or variations in stories. But with the (Continue Reading)
My granddaughter just returned from France where she had a good time with her mom. They came over yesterday to recount their adventures (some of (Continue Reading)
This summer proved a bust. What was supposed to be between 5 and 7 visits a week turned out to be more like three. Too (Continue Reading)
The term picture files goes back for me to the late Tracy Terrell’s book Dos Mundos. My several thousand pictures (cut from magazines) are categorized (Continue Reading)
Today is the final day of IFLT, and it has been such a great conference. Yesterday morning, I got the chance to observe Linda Li teach Mandarin, (Continue Reading)
Till now, at least 50 scholarly and authentic books on Urdu grammar have been written in Urdu……. My question about this sentence is about “Till (Continue Reading)
From Ben Slavic’s TPRS In a Year, p. 132: “If technology really helped kids acquire languages, then it would be used all the time in (Continue Reading)
Today is the day I do what I was supposed to do initially: circle. As I have reported in my earlier write-ups of our sessions, (Continue Reading)
At the end of last month we reached one year that we started lessons. That is equivalent to a little over a third on a (Continue Reading)