“Show” is not the best word. Thinking about African Diasporic music and the issue of the pulse, I was reminded of the issue of acquisition (Continue Reading)
“Show” is not the best word. Thinking about African Diasporic music and the issue of the pulse, I was reminded of the issue of acquisition (Continue Reading)
I read this in a psych report: “…. distinction between capacity to learn i.e. intellectual capacity to learn discrete bits of information and his ability (Continue Reading)
At the end of the month, my granddaughter will begin putting in more than the 5 day a week schedule for her French lessons. She (Continue Reading)
At this point Nyah has put in 64 hours of instruction. That is a bit over one third of an academic year. Ben Slavic says (Continue Reading)
In today’s lesson (to be written up later), Nyah came up with some encouraging requests. One was to begin reading. I had already scouted out (Continue Reading)
Initially we did some personalized stuff and I did a very poor job getting her to understand ‘son’, her. tprs says tell them what it (Continue Reading)
I had to deal with “teal”, the color of the pen she wanted to use to take notes. I had no idea what ‘teal’ looks (Continue Reading)
Submitted for possible publication. ********************************************************************** Education is used here in two senses: the teaching of foreign languages (FL) and what the purpose of learning a (Continue Reading)
She taught me a lesson in tprs today. She did not recall ‘conte de fees’ = fairy tales and I tried to remind her by (Continue Reading)
I didn’t record this session but we did just one thing. I took the first chapter of the tprs book Pauvre Anne and wrote on (Continue Reading)
I gave Nyah a template for a fairy tale – conte de fees – hoping to get her to create a story. It went: Once (Continue Reading)
Today was the first time in a long time I tried classic tprs 3 sentences with 3 structures and circled everything methodically. Well, close. The (Continue Reading)
Since I’ve fallen so far behind – to be remedied tonight – in transcribing parts of the lessons, I thought it would be good to (Continue Reading)
Going over the script of Le Petit Chaperon Rouge cartoon. Started by playing the video from the beginning. An argument broke out over wearing something, (Continue Reading)
Finish cartoon Le Petit Chaperon Rouge at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9OsRljQSbw I explained that I show her these videos not to teach her French but to show her (Continue Reading)
I provided post-its with names of places on the map of the forest and she places them on the spot, e.g. la riviere goes on (Continue Reading)
Went over verb charts. When I pointed to the alternation between acute and grave accents in the conjugations, she asked what the difference was, showing (Continue Reading)
She always reminds me to write the English for the French. Comment s’appelle la femme du president? Thinking I meant Trump, she couldn’t remember. I (Continue Reading)
La porte du garage ne se leve pas, I said as an opener, se lever being a word we only used once some time ago (Continue Reading)
There are two reasons, IMO: tradition and ease of assignment of material. Tradition needs little explanation as the history of the connection between learning psychology (Continue Reading)
Looking at my map of the forest Little Red Riding Hood walks through, Nyah saw a fish in the lake and said “poisson”, the first (Continue Reading)
I’ve tried contacting Ray Ortali, author of Entre Nous. He is 90, so he may not be interested in corresponding, but his book is so (Continue Reading)
Over the last 80 years several major shifts in foreign language teaching have occurred. All have been strongly motivated by perceived failures and gaps in (Continue Reading)