A current thread on a listserv has to do with the behavior of students and how classroom rules can affect that behavior and give something (Continue Reading)
A current thread on a listserv has to do with the behavior of students and how classroom rules can affect that behavior and give something (Continue Reading)
Rather than list all the irritating things kids do, how about a discussion of what is going on with kids and which kids? All of (Continue Reading)
Here’s a post to a language teacher Listserv: “I’ve heard guácala used a lot by our Mexican teenage relatives who come to spend a year (Continue Reading)
Recently I read a post about tprs where the teacher said he didn’t like the lack of control over what the students were learning using (Continue Reading)
Anyone who looks at a REAL grammar of a language knows the complexity we language teachers deal with. A recent comprehensive grammar of English has (Continue Reading)
“OMG, they’re coming for us!” The upsurge in discussions of school violence stemming from two incidents in two days reveals the lack of knowledge that (Continue Reading)
Wes gave flteach members a website to go to on Amazon. The book is about how to advertise in various cultures based on the author’s (Continue Reading)
The lovely news from Iraq, always a joy to read esp after the administration cleans it all up for us, includes the story of two (Continue Reading)
Recently a large response was garnered when I offered a list of Latin words with their Romance reflexes. I got balled up in trying to (Continue Reading)
Here is a post from an extremely astute language teacher: I’ve been pondering something. Why is it that we think flash cards are a good (Continue Reading)
A poster posted: “I remember being taught, and therefore have always taught my students, that when you modify a body part, you need the definite (Continue Reading)
I read the following post on a Latin list: “I tell my students, as some of you have heard me say, that language does not (Continue Reading)
Frank Smith wrote the following: “Stories are our way of making sense of the world. If we can’t make up a story about something we (Continue Reading)
A discussion on one of the listservs revolves around whether the neat categorization of ’my’ as a possessive adjective and ’mine’ as a possessive pronoun (Continue Reading)
A post on a language teacher Listserv referred us to a site dealing with Spanish grammar. There the subjunctive is treated. I got frustrated reading (Continue Reading)
Here’s a post on language learning that reflects the common belief that we learn our native language the same way we learn algebra. “It’s not (Continue Reading)
Protests. Warnings. Outrage. Denials. Empathy. Sympathy. More outrage. More protests. Jena, Louisiana? No, Columbia University. Guess who’s coming to speak? Good ol’ that guy whose (Continue Reading)
I am a sixty-five year old African American woman and a retired school counselor. I am just appalled at what is going on around the (Continue Reading)
Back in 77 or so, I volunteered as an advisor to a human relations youth camp. The kids were all 16, about 120 of them, (Continue Reading)
In a message dated 9/8/2007 8:26:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, pbarrett@COX.NET writes: David, the attack of 9/11 led to the attack on Afghanistan, not on (Continue Reading)
Here is Godfrey’s post: So it seems you are saying that informing American students about other people and their cultures will not have a strong (Continue Reading)
Here it is again. The Houston Police Department has put out an oh so clever “ghetto dictionary of Ebonics”. Just as we saw in 1994, (Continue Reading)
I had to throw over my job teaching Sp at a charter school so I’m subbing now, 2 days at a Middle School, and how (Continue Reading)